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Table 4 Push manometric parameters comparing 25 healthy (female x male)

From: London Protocol under water-perfused HRM in a healthy population, towards novel 3D manometric parameters in an evaluation of anorectal functional disorders

Push manometric parameters

Female (25)

Male (25)


Mean (SD)

Med (IQR)

Mean (SD)

Med (IQR)

London Protocol parameters

Maximum pressure anal canal (mmHg)

47.4 (19.0)

43.9 [35.7;53.9]

61.3 (26.5)

51.3 [46.7;71.1]


Maximum pressure rectum (mmHg)

27.9 (20.5)

23.9 [19.0;33.2]

42.5 (18.5)

34.9 [31.1;54.1]


Complementary parameters

Rectum-anal gradient pressure (mmHg)

-16.1 (22.5)

-17.9 [-24.2; -1.5]

-22.9 (13.2)

-20.2 [-31.4; -13.9]


Anal canal relaxation percent (%)

6.4 (36.0)

10.2 [-22.0;36.4]

-23.7 (54.1)

-5.7 [-48.8;10.2]


  1. SD standard deviation, Med Median, IQR Interquartile range
  2. Bold values indicate statistically significant (p < 0.05)