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Table 3 Characteristics of the Study Population

From: Age- and sex-stratified detection rates and associated factors of colorectal neoplasia in the Tianjin colorectal cancer screening program from 2012 to 2020




Nonadvanced neoplasia

Advanced neoplasia


(n = 33,652)

(n = 16,827)

(n = 14,194)

(n = 2631)


Age (years), mean (SD)

62.89 ± 7.13

61.96 ± 7.45

63.55 ± 6.71

65.25 ± 6.16

 < 0.001


375 (1.1)

275 (1.6)

91 (0.6)

9 (0.3)

 < 0.001


1218 (3.6)

835 (5.0)

356 (2.5)

27 (1.0)


2818 (8.4)

1716 (10.2)

990 (7.0)

112 (4.3)


5732 (17.0)

3124 (18.6)

2306 (16.2)

302 (11.5)


7885 (23.4)

3839 (22.8)

3420 (24.1)

626 (23.8)


9387 (27.9)

4320 (25.7)

4209 (29.7)

858 (32.6)


6237 (18.5)

2718 (16.2)

2822 (19.9)

697 (26.5)

Sex, n (%)


15,682 (46.6)

6350 (37.7)

7707 (54.3)

1625 (61.8)

 < 0.001


17,970 (53.4)

10,477 (62.3)

6487 (45.7)

1006 (38.2)

Marital status, n (%)


32,151 (95.5)

16,047 (95.4)

13,587 (95.7)

2517 (95.7)



299 (0.9)

160 (1.0)

114 (0.8)

25 (1.0)


270 (0.8)

150 (0.9)

100 (0.7)

20 (0.8)


857 (2.5)

427 (2.5)

366 (2.6)

64 (2.4)


75 (0.2)

43 (0.3)

27 (0.2)

5 (0.2)

Educational level, n (%)

 Primary school or below

7053 (21.0)

3594 (21.4)

2955 (20.8)

504 (19.2)


 Middle school

22,359 (66.4)

11,106 (66.0)

9458 (66.6)

1795 (68.2)

 College or above

4084 (12.1)

2037 (12.1)

1727 (12.2)

320 (12.2)


156 (0.5)

90 (0.5)

54 (0.4)

12 (0.5)

Smoking status, n (%)

 Never smoker

25,548 (75.9)

13,731 (81.6)

10,078 (71.0)

1739 (66.1)

 < 0.001

 Former smoker

1608 (4.8)

655 (3.9)

790 (5.6)

163 (6.2)

 Current smoker

6496 (19.3)

2441 (14.5)

3326 (23.4)

729 (27.7)

Alcohol drinking, n (%)

 Never drinker

29,996 (89.1)

15,533 (92.3)

12,280 (86.5)

2183 (83.0)

 < 0.001

 Ever drinker

3656 (10.9)

1294 (7.7)

1914 (13.5)

448 (17.0)

Physical activity, n (%)

 Irregular exercise

18,673 (55.5)

9660 (57.4)

7668 (54.0)

1345 (51.1)

 < 0.001

 Regular exercise

14,979 (44.5)

7167 (42.6)

6526 (46.0)

1286 (48.9)

BMI, n (%)

 < 25

18,953 (56.3)

10,023 (59.6)

7581 (53.4)

1349 (51.3)

 < 0.001


12,502 (37.2)

5855 (34.8)

5561 (39.2)

1086 (41.3)

 ≥ 30

2197 (6.5)

949 (5.6)

1052 (7.4)

196 (7.4)

Factors for risk stratification, n (%)

 Chronic diarrhoea

7936 (23.6)

4300 (25.6)

3159 (22.3)

477 (18.1)

 < 0.001

 Chronic constipation

7967 (23.7)

4364 (25.9)

3154 (22.2)

449 (17.1)

 < 0.001

 Mucus or bloody stool

5896 (17.5)

3194 (19.0)

2310 (16.3)

392 (14.9)

 < 0.001

 Chronic appendicitis/appendectomy

3025 (9.0)

1568 (9.3)

1286 (9.1)

171 (6.5)

 < 0.001

 Chronic cholecystitis/cholecystectomy

2889 (8.6)

1510 (9.0)

1186 (8.4)

193 (7.3)


 Psychiatric trauma

2941 (8.7)

1594 (9.5)

1191 (8.4)

156 (5.9)

 < 0.001

 Personal history of any cancer

1388 (4.1)

713 (4.2)

514 (3.6)

161 (6.1)

 < 0.001

 Personal history of colorectal polyps

3504 (10.4)

1271 (7.6)

1978 (13.9)

255 (9.7)

 < 0.001

 Family history of CRC in first degree relatives

3584 (10.7)

1718 (10.2)

1603 (11.3)

263 (10.0)


 FIT positive

20,310 (60.4)

9944 (59.1)

8497 (59.9)

1869 (71.0)

 < 0.001

  1. Abbreviations: BMI Body Mass Index, CRC Colorectal cancer, FIT Fecal immunological test, SD Standard deviation