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Table 3 Biomarker levels of healthy controls and EoE patients at baseline and after-intervention

From: Extracellular matrix remodeling proteins as biomarkers for clinical assessment and treatment outcomes in eosinophilic esophagitis


Controls (ng/mL)

EoE baseline (ng/mL)

EoE after-intervention (ng/mL)


PRO-C3, mean (SD)

7.71 (2.54)

11.54 (4.51)

11.53 (3.28)

 < 0.001

C3M, mean (SD)

9.05 (2.20)

14.38 (3.45)

15.31 (5.01)

 < 0.0001

CTX-III, mean (SD)

6.76 (6.30)

6.19 (4.17)

7.39 (9.82)


PC3X, mean (SD)


11.78 (4.86)

11.06 (3.85)


PRO-C4, mean (SD)

179 (54.51)

207.20 (109.90)

218.7 (132.20)


C4M, mean (SD)

22.49 (4.73)

27.97 (8.69)

29.15 (11.39)

 < 0.05

PRO-C5, mean (SD)

322.40 (156.30)

746.70 (440.80)

848.10 (746.90)

 < 0.0001

PRO-C6, mean (SD)

6.26 (1.47)

10.73 (5.00)

10.83 (4.60)

 < 0.0001

C6M, mean (SD)

9.20 (5.26)

22.34 (4.67)

23.84 (8.80)

 < 0.0001

VICM, mean (SD)

4.60 (3.19)

6.12 (3.63)

6.46 (5.62)


VIM, mean (SD)

2.69 (0.85)

14.79 (6.56)

14.68 (8.99)

 < 0.0001

CPa9-HNE, mean (SD)

11.00 (0.00)**

132.50 (68.56)

139.40 (66.19)

 < 0.0001

  1. Abbreviations: ND not determined, NS non-significant
  2. aStatistical differences between the measured biomarkers were calculated by two-way ANOVA applying Kruskal–Wallis correcting for multiple comparisons comparing the baseline and after-intervention biomarker levels of patients with EoE to the healthy controls. P-values < 0.05 were considered significant
  3. **Measured CPa9-HNE levels were below the lower limit of quantification according to the assay instructions (Table 1)