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Table 2 Findings at index EGD with biopsy-proven GIM and outcomes post-index EGD

From: Clinical epidemiology and outcomes of patients with gastric intestinal metaplasia in the Los Angeles County System

Indication for index EGD (Top 5)

Dyspepsia or gastroesophageal reflux, n (%)

93 (27.1%)

 Abdominal pain, n (%)

88 (25.7%)

 Iron deficiency anemia, n (%)

80 (23.4%)

 Gastrointestinal bleeding, n (%)

52 (15.2%)

 Weight loss, n (%)

36 (10.5%)

Findings at index EGD

 Low-grade dysplasia at index EGD, n (%)a

1 (0.3%)

 High-grade dysplasia at index EGD, n (%)

0 (0.0%)

 Multifocal GIM at index EGD, n (%)b

53 (15.5%)

 GAC at index EGD, n (%)

18 (5.3%)

H. pylori on biopsy, n (%)

97 (28.4%)

Recommended interval for repeat EGD for GIM surveillance

 EGD not recommended

202 (59%)

 1–3 months

9 (2.6%)

 3–6 months

12 (3.5%)

 1 year

33 (9.6%)

 2–3 years

83 (24.2%)

 5 years

2 (0.5%)

Patients with repeat EGD with biopsies, n (%)

81 (23.6%)

Months from index to repeat EGD, median (IQR)

13 (3–29)

Months from index EGD to last clinic follow-up, median (IQR)

14.7 (2.2–42.7)

Findings at repeat EGD

 Low-grade dysplasia at repeat EGD, n (%)

0 (0)

 High-grade dysplasia at repeat EGD, n (%)

0 (0)

 Multifocal GIM at repeat EGD not found at index EGD, n (%)c

10 (14%)

 GAC at repeat EGD not found at index EGD, n (%)

0 (0)

  1. aOne patient who had low-grade dysplasia at index EGD underwent repeat EGD but did not have biopsies obtained at that time
  2. bThere were 108 patients (31.6%) who had multifocal biopsies taken at index EGD
  3. cOf these 10 patients, 3 patients had multifocal biopsies at index EGD