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Table 4 Synthesis of studies included in the systematic review of the association between the inflammatory bowel disease and thióis

From: Thiols as a marker of inflammatory bowel disease activity: a systematic review












Baskol et al. [4]



UC active

UC: 30


Serum tiol total

significantly serum tiol total was increased in UC group compared with HC

Akinci et al. [5]



UC: active and inactive

CD: active and inactive

UC active: 16

UC inactive: 43

CD active: 49

CD inactive: 69


Serum thiol (native and total)

significantly higher native and total thiol in CD inactive compared to CD active

significantly native thiol were higher in the overall group with CD and the overall group with UC compared with the HC

Yuksel et al. [6]



UC: active

CD: active

UC: 36

CD: 25


Serum thiol (native and total)

native and total thiol were lower in UC e CD than in HC

negative correlation between native thiol with EAI, CDAI, ESR and PCR in active CD and UC, when compared with HC

Neselioglu et al. [7]



UC active and inactive

UC active: 58

UC inactive: 20


Serum thiol (native and total)

native and total thiol were significantly lower in UC than in HC

native and total thiol were significantly higher in UC in inactive than in active UC and near to those of HC

significantly positive correlation: Thiol native x ALB in HC, UC Inactive and Active

significantly negative correlation: Thiol native X PCR e Thiol native X ESR in HC, UC Inactive and Active significantly negative correlation:Truelove Witts X Thiol

significantly negative correlation: TDH parameters and severity of UC

significant negative correlations: severity of UC and native and total thiol homeostasis

homeostasis parameters were significantly decreased in UC compared to HC

There was no significant difference between UC inactive and HC

Hemoglobin, hematocrit, and albumin levels were significantly low, ESR and CRP levels were significantly high in UC in active compared to HC

Bourgonje et al. [1]



CD: inactive

CD: 51



free thiols albumin adjustedbel ow or above average

plasma free thiol albumin-adjusted were significantly lower in patients with CD inactive compared to HC

The strongest association was observed between plasma free thiols albumin-adjusted and PCR

CD with above-average free thiols had significantly lower CRP levels

Univariable linear regression analyses confirmed that CRP and BMI were significantly associated inversely with plasma free thiol ALB adjusted

multivariate linear BMI was independently associated with albumin-adjusted free thiols

CD had significantly lower levels of Hb and ALB compared to HC

CD had ESR and platelet counts were significantly increased compared to HC

CD having solely colonic disease demonstrated markedly reduced plasma free thiol concentrations compared to patients with ileocolonic involvement

Overall significant difference in albumin-adjusted plasma free thiols between different CD disease locations according to the Montreal classification

HBI was not significantly different between patients with below or above average plasma free thiols

Plasma free thiol negatively correlated with biomarkers of inflammation: CRP e IL-17A and the association with favorable disease status was further confirmed

CD patients had significantly lower levels of hemoglobin and albumin whereas ESR and platelet counts were significantly increased compared to HC

Bourgonje et al. [2]

2019 a


UC: active

CD: active

UC active:47

CD active: 31


Serum free thiols albumin adjusted

Albumin-adjusted serum free thiols are significantly reduced in UC and CD as compared to HC and strongly correlate with the degree of endoscopic disease activity

Serum free thiol levels significantly negatively correlate to fecal calprotectin levels and may aid in diferentiating mild from moderate-to-severely active UC and CD as assessed by endoscopy

Free thiols highly accurately discriminated between mild and moderate-to-severe disease activity, better than fecal calprotectin (FC) levels and this was maintained after crossvalidation and after adjustment for potentially confounding factors derived from univariable logistic regression analysis serum free thiols remained superior to fecal calprotectin

levels in discriminating between mild and moderate-tosevere endoscopic disease activity

Serum free thiol concentrations were significantly lower in both CD and UC as compared to HC

Serum albumin- adjusted free thiol levels were significantly reduced in UC as compared to CD

UC and CD with severe endoscopic disease activity had similar significantly lower levels of albumin adjusted serum free thiols compared to patients with mild disease activity

Serum levels of albumin-adjusted free thiols significantly discriminated patients with mild disease activity from patients with moderate-to-severe disease activity - correlation between serum free thiols and endoscopic disease activity scores, both in the total IBD and separed CD and UC

IBD cohort, serum concentrations of albumin-adjusted free thiols were significantly inversely associated with age, platelet counts and fecal calprotectin (FC) levels, and positively associated with duration of disease

Association between serum free thiols and the SCCAI score for UC

No significant correlation was found between serum free thiols with the HBI score for CD

Neubauer et al. [8]



UC active and inactive

CD active and inactive

UC active: 30

UC inactive: 41

CD active: 37

CD inactive: 10


Serum free


Thiol concentrations were significantly lower in patients with both CD and UC, regardless the disease activity as compared with HC

There were no significant differences between CD and UC or

patients with active and inactive disease

FT and TAS associations with IBD remained significant following the adjustment for age, sex, smoking status, and transferrin

CD and UC patients with active disease, FT concentrations were inversely correlated with, respectively, CDAI and RI

FT concentrations remained significantly lower in both CD and UC as compared to HC also following adjustment to albumin concentrations

TAS was significantly reduced in both CD and UC patients as compared to HC, without significant differences between both disease phenotypes or with respect to the disease activity, but the inverse relation between TAS and CDAI or RI in IBD patients with active disease did not reach statistical significance

In UC inversely thiol with TNF-a and the severity of bowel inflammation

There is no relationship between antioxidants and disease duration in IBD or subgroups based on phenotypes or disease activity

In CD FT were significantly lower in patients with anemia

FT was significantly lower in patients treated with corticosteroids

In active CD, FT was correlated with CRP, ESR, PLT and IL-6 in active CD, solely FT, inversely correlated with AOPP

Von Martels et al. [25]



CD active

CD active: 70



free thiols albumin adjusted

Dietary riboflavin supplementation in CD patients for 3 weeks resulted in anti-inflammatory effects, reduction of clinical symptoms [HBI] and systemic oxidative stress, expressed by increased levels of thiols

  1. IBD Inflammatory Bowel Disease, UC Ulcerative Colitis, CD Crohn’s Disease, HC Healthy Controls, HBI Harvey Bradshaw Index, FT Free Thiols, TAS Total Antioxidant Status, IL-6 Interleukin 6, BMI Body Mass Index, Hb Hemoglobin, RI Rachmilewitz Index, CDAI Crohn’s Disease Activity Index, AOPP Advanced Oxidation Protein Products, CRP C-Reactive Protein, ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, TNF Tumor Necrosis Factor