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Table 5 Maintenance therapy in patients with EoE that achieved histologic remission with PPI monotherapy and FED monotherapy

From: Food elimination diet is a viable alternative therapy for eosinophilic esophagitis responsive to proton pump inhibitors

Survey responses

Patients with histologic remission of EoE on PPI monotherapy and FED monotherapy (n = 9)

Question: What treatment plan do you primarily follow?

 PPI monotherapy

1 (11.11%)

 FED monotherapy

5 (55.56%)

 FED monotherapy with PPI on as needed basis

3 (33.33%)

Question: Why are you following this treatment plan?

 Current treatment plan is sustainable

6 (66.67%)

 Perceived symptom benefits of current treatment plan

3 (33.33%)

Question: Do you believe that this process has increased your overall quality of life with your EoE and helped you to identify a treatment plan that aligned with your lifestyle and beliefs?

 Strongly agree

5 (55.56%)


2 (22.22%)


2 (22.22%)


0 (0%)

 Strongly disagree

0 (0%)

  1. EoE Eosinophilic esophagitis, FED Food elimination diet, PPI Proton pump inhibitor