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Table 1 Factor activity (%) and protein concentration levels in PPP collected from ambulatory CLD patients previously scored as A, B, or C using the Child-Turcotte-Pugh scoring system (CTP-A, CTP-B, or CTP-C)

From: Potential utility of a multi-component coagulation factor panel to calculate MELD scores and assess the risk of portal vein thrombosis in chronic liver disease


Healthy controls (n = 30)

CTP-A (n = 12)

CTP-B (n = 19)

CTP-C (n = 11)

p value


101 [92–116]

91 [77–109]

74 [68–85]

59 [50–68]

 < 0.0001


98 [87–124]

110 [100–121]

125 [111–143]

166 [139–173]

 < 0.0001

PC (%)

132 [121–135]

59 [50–64]

47 [40–54]

37 [25–40]

 < 0.0001

PS (%)

79 [76–86]

56 [47–60]

46 [38–52]

42 [38–51]

 < 0.0001

TMa (%)

100 [92–106]

137 [120–198]

142 [128–164]

158 [152–226]

 < 0.0001


0.23 [0.22–0.32]

0.45 [0.35–0.71]

0.92 [0.68–1.10]

2.01 [1.49–2.65]

 < 0.0001

sP selectin (pg/m]

136 [119–154]

148 [133–168]

89 [69–107]

54 [39–75]

 < 0.0001


0.23 [0.21–0.26]

0.30 [0.24–0.37]

0.39 [0.28–0.27]

0.55 [0.41–0.64]

 < 0.0001

  1. Presented as median with interquartile range; p values were assessed via one-way ANOVA to determine if the variance across the groups was significant