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Table 4 Comparison of IR peaks observed in standard and specimen compared with published literature

From: Development and validation of standard and real patient gallstone library using Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy

Analyte name

IR peaks in GSL

IR peaks in GRPL

IR peaks in Naseema et al. study [8]

IR peaks in Ha and biomaterials research [9]


1022, 1055, 1364, 1376, 1464, 2866, 2900, 2930

1022, 1051, 1366, 1463, 2865, 2899, 2934

1054, 1463, 2865, 2899, 2929

1055, 1373, 1458, 2853, 2934, 3410


696, 933, 985, 1217, 1247, 1364, 1404, 1567, 1607, 1644, 1687

699, 984, 1249, 1366, 1572

1246, 1607, 1683

1251, 1447, 1566, 1624, 1663, 3398


1613, 1628, 3449, 3487

1628, 3445

854, 1338

855, 872, 1420, 1458, 1464, 1624,

Bile Salt

981, 1044, 1077, 1196, 1375, 1403, 1602

984, 1049