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Table 2 Laboratory parameters of patients with HBV

From: Prevalence of sero-markers and non-invasive assessment of liver cirrhosis in patients with Hepatitis B virus infection in Freetown, Sierra Leone: a cross-sectional study

Laboratory parameter

Median (IQR) or Mean (SD) value of assay result

Patients (%) with normal or deranged assay result

Reference values#

Alanine aminotransferase (IU/L)

28 (21–41)

↑ 41 (25.2)

 < 40 IU/L


 ↔ 122 (74.8)


18 (11.0)§


145 (89.0)¶


Aspartate aminotransferase


27 (19–45)

↑ 51 (31.3)

 < 38 IU/L


 ↔ 112(68.7)


Alkaline phosphatase


84 (52–142)

↑ 53 (32.5)

26–117 IU/L


 ↔ 100 (61.3)


↓ 10 (6.1)


Total bilirubin (mg/dL)

0.7 (0.5–1.1)

↑ 43 (26.4)

Up to 1.0 mg/dL


 ↔ 120 (73.6)


Direct bilirubin (mg/dL)

0.20 (0.10–0.30)

↑ 53 (32.5)

Up to 0.25 mg/dL


 ↔ 110 (67.5)


Gamma glutamyl transferase (IU/L)

30 (22–64)

↑ 51 (31.3)

11–50 IU/L


 ↔ 109 (66.9)


↓ 3 (1.8)


Total protein (mg/dL)

59.0 (7.0–69.0)

↑ 90 (55.2)

6.5–8.7 mg/dL


 ↔ 59 (36.2)


↓ 14 (8.6)


Albumin (mg/dL)

22.7 ± 18.6*

↑ 86 (52.8)

3.5–5.3 mg/dL


 ↔ 55 (33.7)


↓ 22 (13.5)


Platelets (× 109/L)

213 ± 78*

↑ 1 (0.6)

150–450 (× 109/L)


 ↔ 132 (81.0)


↓ 30 (18.4)

  1. IQR, interquartile range. SD, standard deviation. *Mean and standard deviation reported. ↑ = Elevated. ↔  = Normal. ↓ = Reduced. § = more than 2 times-, ¶ = less than 2 times upper limit of normal. # = Reference values