Is there a linear relationship between increasing WC and incidence of Colonic Adenomas?
Raheem Dhanani, Aga Khan University, Eastern Africa
23 March 2009
A nicely written paper. It could have been more interesting if the association of having Colonic Adenomas could have been compared with increasing width of Wasit Cirumference (WC). Larsson and Wolk (1) demonstrated an increased risk of Colonic Ca with increasing WC (per 10 cm increase)in both sexes.
Despite the limitations mentioned in the current study, it may have given another dimension to the results.
Referrence: 1. Am J Clin Nutr, 2007 Sep;86(3):556-65
Is there a linear relationship between increasing WC and incidence of Colonic Adenomas?
23 March 2009
A nicely written paper. It could have been more interesting if the association of having Colonic Adenomas could have been compared with increasing width of Wasit Cirumference (WC). Larsson and Wolk (1) demonstrated an increased risk of Colonic Ca with increasing WC (per 10 cm increase)in both sexes.
Despite the limitations mentioned in the current study, it may have given another dimension to the results.
1. Am J Clin Nutr, 2007 Sep;86(3):556-65
Competing interests
No competing interests.