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Table 1 Multimodal protocols for elective fast-track gastric cancer surgery**

From: “Fast track” rehabilitation after gastric cancer resection: experience with 80 consecutive cases

Preoperative phase


Scheduling of operation


Information about FT and informed consent


Pre-assessment for risk adjustment


Last meal 6 h before operation


Last clear drink (10% Glucose 500 ml) 2 h before operation

Intraoperative phase


Prophylactic antibiotic (cefoperazone 2 g)


Placement of thoracic epidural catheter (T8-T10) followed by continuous EDA until POD3


Combined with general anesthesia


Restricted intraoperative fluid therapy to 500 cc colloid and 1,500 cc crystalloid infusion


Use of vasopressor drugs as 1st choice for management of mean blood pressure drop >20% of baseline


Prophylactic use of odansetron to prevent PONV


Forced body heating


No standard use of abdominal drains and nasogastric tube


Intradermic suture with absorbable suture

Postoperative phase


Admit to regular nursing floor via ICU (POD 1)


Continuous EDA (3d) with tramadol 500 mg po 12 h


Oral intake of clear liquids (100-150 ml Glucose) 2 h after extubation, followed by stepwise plan from warm clear water to carbohydrate drink to TPF, then to semi-fluids to normal food.

Adhere to a regimen of frequent small meals.


Restricted IV fluid administration until complete oral intake


Enforced mobilization from the day of surgery following a well-defined nursing care program


Removal of bladder catheter in POD1 morning


Outpatient clinic; discuss result of histological examination, plan adjuvant therapy if needed (POD 10)

  1. FT = Fluid therapy.
  2. POD = postoperative day.
  3. EDA = epidural analgesia.
  4. ICU = intensive care unit.
  5. PONV = Postoperative nausea and vomiting.
  6. TPF = Commercial brand of an enteral nutritional suspension.
  7. **Adapted from Kehlet et al. [15] and Kehlet et al. [16].