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Figure 2 | BMC Gastroenterology

Figure 2

From: Correlation of the presence and extent of loss of heterozygosity mutations with histological classifications of Barrett’s esophagus

Figure 2

Mutational load (ML) in microdissected targets by histological classification. A.) There was a statistically significant correlation between increasingly severe histological classification and increasing mutational load (corr. coef., (ρ), =0.6; p<0.0001). B.) Levels of mutational load (no ML, low ML, high ML) were established within microdissected targets histologically diagnosed as intestinal metaplasia and then applied to other histological classifications. NS = normal squamous epithelium; Col = columnar, non-Barrett’s epithelium; IM = intestinal metaplasia; IND = “indefinite for dysplasia”; LGD = low grade dysplasia; HGD = high grade dysplasia; ML = mutational load.

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