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Table 2 Lifetime IBS versus lifetime mood disorder, anxiety disorder, and GHQ 80th percentile case-level.

From: Prevalence of mood and anxiety disorder in self reported irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). An epidemiological population based study of women


Lifetime mood or anxiety disorder

Lifetime mood disorder

Lifetime anxiety disorder

GHQ >= 80thpercentile #

Total sample

366 (34.0%)

308 (28.6%)

143 (13.3%)

207 (20.6%)

Lifetime IBS (N = 91)

46 (50.5%)**

40 (44.0%)**

19 (20.9%)*

40 (44.0%)**

Adjusted odds ratio

(95% CI)


(1.37 - 3.29)


(1.34 - 3.24)


(1.08 - 3.21)


(2.23 - 6.42)

  1. Numbers are observed N among total N = 1077 and (% for rows).
  2. * p < .001, ** p < .05, # Missing data in 17 individuals. Other data complete.