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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients and large flat polyps

From: Frequent co-occurrence of high-grade dysplasia in large flat colonic polyps (>20 mm) and synchronous polyps


Number of patients

Number of patients


Age, mean ± SD (range), y

65.4 ± 10.5 (31–92)

Female, no. (%)

321 (40)

Polyp size, mean ± SD (range), mm

34.1 ± 16.1 (20–150)

Polyp location, no. (% of total)



187 (23.3)

Ascending colon

150 (18.7)

Hepatic flexure

71 (8.9)

Transverse colon

79 (9.9)

Splenic flexure

13 (1.6)

Descending colon

40 (5.0)

Sigmoid colon

82 (10.2)


180 (22.4)

Histology, no. (% of total)


Tubular adenoma

254 (31.7)

Tubulovillous adenoma

372 (46.4)

Villous adenoma

9 (1.1)


90 (11.2)

LGD (without SP with LGD)

421 (52.5)

HGD (without SP with HGD)

214 (26.7)

Serrated polyps

77 (9.6)

Hyperplastic polyps

32 (4)

Sessile serrated adenoma/polyp (SSA/P) without dysplasia

32 (4)

Sessile serrated adenoma/polyp (SSA/P) with LGD

11 (1.37)

Sessile serrated adenoma/polyp (SSA/P) with HGD

2 (0.2)