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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients with primary malignant melanoma of esophagus

From: Clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes of primary malignant melanoma of esophagus: a single center experience


Total (n = 17)

Age (years)


 Mean ± SD

61.0 ± 12.3

 Median (range)

60 (41–83)

Sex (%)



15 (88.2)


2 (11.8)

Chief complaint (%)



9 (52.9)

 Epigastric discomfort

2 (11.8)

 Chest pain

1 (5.9)


1 (5.9)


1 (5.9)

 Weight loss

1 (5.9)

 No symptom

2 (11.8)

Smoking (%)



9 (52.9)


8 (47.1)

Alcohol ingestion (%)



6 (35.3%)


11 (64.7%)

BMI (kg/m2)


 Mean ± SD

23.8 ± 2.6

 Median (range)

23.7 (19–30)

Endoscopic morphology (%)



15 (88.2)

 Diffusely infiltrative

2 (11.8)

Amelanotic type (%)



13 (76.5)


4 (23.5)

Endoscopic size* (cm)


 Mean ± SD

4.8 ± 2.2

 Median (range)

5.0 (2–10)

Endoscopic location (%)



3 (17.6)


3 (17.6)


11 (64.7)

Clinical staging (%)


 Localized (N0)

8 (47.1)

 Node positive (N+)

5 (29.4)

 Metastatic (M1)

4 (23.5)

Surgery (%)



5 (29.4)


10 (58.8)

 Follow-up loss

2 (11.8)

  1. SD standard deviation, BMI body mass index
  2. *Two patients with diffusely infiltrative type tumor were excluded