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Table 1 Definitions of constipation by Rome IV criteria, ICD-10 (K 59) and NANDA

From: Prevalence of constipation and use of laxatives, and association with risk factors among older patients during hospitalization: a cross sectional study



Rome IV criteria

The diagnosis of constipation is met when the patient exhibits at least two of the following Rome IV Criteria:

Straining for at least 1/4 (25%) of defecations

Hard or lumpy stools for at least 1/4 (25%) of defecations

Sensation of incomplete evacuation for at least 1/4 (25%) of defecations

Sensation of abdominal obstruction/blockage for at least 1/4 (25%) of defecations

Manual maneuvers to facilitate evacuation for at least 1/4 (25%) of defecations

< 3 Spontaneous bowel movements per week

Reference: [12]

ICD-10 (K59.0)

A condition in which stool becomes hard, dry, and difficult to pass, and bowel movements don’t happen very often. Other symptoms may include painful bowel movements and feeling bloated, oncomfortable, and sluggish

A disorder characterized by irregular and infrequent or difficult evacuation of the bowels

Reference: [13]


Decrease in normal frequency of defecation, accompanied by difficult or incomplete passage of stool and/or passage of excessively hard, dry stools

Reference: [14]