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Table 2 Treatment relevant aspects

From: Endoscopic negative pressure therapy as stand-alone treatment for perforated duodenal diverticulum: presentation of two cases


Patient #1

Patient #2

Antibiotic Management

5 days cefotaxime, metronidazole and fluconazol

5 days piperacillin and tazobactam and fluconazol

Endoscopic Management

OPSD using 3 ml feeding tube, end of therapy after good progress in CT-imaging

OPSD using 3 ml feeding tube, concluding diverticulography to exclude a persistent perforation

Number of changes of the OPSD



Number of progress CT



Length of hospital stay

20 days

20 days

Adverse events

One accidental dislocation of the tube

One accidental dislocation of the tube

Follow-up telephone survey 6 weeks after hospital discharge

Yes, well-being, supplies itself completely independently

Yes, well-being, supplies itself completely independently, occasional vertigo