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Fig. 1 | BMC Gastroenterology

Fig. 1

From: Combined effects of lifestyle risk factors on fatty liver index

Fig. 1

The distributions of FLI scores below 30, ≥ 30 and < 60 and 60 or above in individuals classified to lifestyle risk factor scores as follows: Alcohol consumption, 0 = no consumption; 1 = alcohol consumption 1–14 (men) or 1–7 (women) drinks/week; 2 = alcohol consumption in amounts exceeding 14 drinks (men) or 7 drinks (women) per week Smoking, 0 = no smoking, 1 = 1–19 cigarettes/day, 2 = ≥ 20 cigarettes/day. BMI, 0 = BMI < 25; 1 = BMI ≥ 25 and < 30; 2 = ≥ 30. Physical activity, 0 = those with physical activity over 4 h/week; 1 = those with physical activity 0.5–4 h/week; 2 = those with physical activity less than 30 min/week. The sum of the scores yielded a total risk factor number, with higher scores indicating an unhealthier lifestyle (maximum = 8)

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