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Table 1 Characteristics of the derivation and validation cohorts

From: Improvement of Asia-Pacific colorectal screening score and evaluation of its use combined with fecal immunochemical test


Derivation cohort n = 955

Validation cohort n = 1201

Age, y, median ± SD

53.5 ± 8.3

50.7 ± 11.4

Sex, male, n (%)

518 (54.2)

743 (61.9)

BMI, kg/m2, median ± SD

24.3 ± 3.6

24.6 ± 4.3

Current or ex-smoking, n (%)

303 (31.7)

370 (30.8)

Alcohol consumption, n (%)

452 (47.3)

391 (32.6)

Diabetes, n (%)

38 (4.0)

128 (10.7)

Family history, n (%)

87 (9.1)

71 (5.9)

Diet, n (%)




333 (34.9)



187 (19.6)



435 (45.5)


Exercise, little, n (%)

833 (87.2)


Fecal immunochemical test, n (%)





117 (15.8)



625 (84.2)

Colorectal neoplasia, n (%)

197 (20.6)

383 (31.9)

Colorectal cancer, n (%)

5 (0.5)

10 (0.8)

Advanced neoplasia, n (%)

39 (4.1)

45 (3.7)

  1. NA Not applicable, SD Standard deviation, BMI Body mass index
  2. aOnly 742 subjects in the validation set received the fecal immunochemical test due to practical factors