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Table 3 Liver pathology

From: A prediction model for the grade of liver fibrosis using magnetic resonance elastography


Patients (n = 184)

Steatosis, n (%)

 0 (0%)

129 (70.1)

 1 (1 to 33%)

44 (23.9)

 2 (33 to 66%)

10 (5.4)

 3 (66 to 100%)

1 (0.5)

Lobular inflammation, n (%)

 A0 (no necro-inflammatory reaction)

41 (22.2)

 A1 (mild)

99 (53.8)

 A2 (moderate)

43 (23.3)

 A3 (severe)

1 (0.5)

Fibrosis, n (%)

 F0 (no fibrosis)

44 (23.9)

 F1 (fibrous portal expansion)

59 (32.0)

 F2 (bridging fibrosis)

26 (14.1)

 F3 (bridging fibrosis with architectural distortion)

26 (14.1)

 F4 (liver cirrhosis)

29 (15.7)