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Table 1 Characteristics of the study patients

From: Time-varying serum gradient of hepatitis B surface antigen predicts risk of relapses after off-NA therapy


All patients (N = 140)

Male gender, n (%)

109 (77.9%)

EOT Age, years

49.1 (39.2, 57.5)

EOT anti-HBe-positive, n (%)

131 (93.6%)

EOT HBsAg, log IU/mL

2.79 (2.13, 3.12)


22 (16.5, 34)

EOT AFP, ng/ml

2.7 (1.97, 3.41)

Pretreatment HBeAg-positive, n (%)

39 (27.9%)

Pretreatment anti-HBe-positive, n (%)

100 (71.4%)

Pretreatment viral DNA, log IU/ml

6.21 (4.53, 7.67)

Pretreatment ALT, U/L

154 (95, 451)

On-therapy duration, month

36.6 (36.4, 37.0)

Off-therapy follow-upa, month

19.9 (10.6, 25.3)

Patients received Entecavir

125 (89.3%)

Patients received Tenofovir,

9 (6.4%)

Patients received Lamivudine or Telbivudine

6 (4.2%)

  1. Notes. apatients were followed up until reuse of antiviral therapy; AFP alpha-fetoprotein, ALT Alanine transaminase, EOT end-of-therapy, HBeAg hepatitis B e antigen, HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen