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Table 3 Differences in pre-infusion haemodynamic parameters between responders and non-responders

From: Haemodynamic effects of plasma-expansion with hyperoncotic albumin in cirrhotic patients with renal failure: a prospective interventional study





CVP (mmHg)

10 (± 4)

13 (± 6)

p < 0.001

95% CI 1 – 3

GEDVI (ml/m2); (n: 680–800)

638 (± 135)

714 (± 117)

p < 0.001

95% CI 38 – 87

CI (L/min/m2); (n: 3–5)

3.7 (± 1.0)

4.7 (± 1.0)

p < 0.001

95% CI 0.3 – 0.5

SVI (ml/m2); (n: 40–60)

45 (± 14)

54 (± 9)

p < 0.001

95% CI 2 – 6

HR (bpm)

90 (± 15)

86 (± 19)

p = 0.816

95% CI -3 – 1

SVRI (dyn s/cm5/m2); (n:1700–2400)

2262 (± 1323)

1390 (± 648)

p < 0.001

95% CI -370 – -170

compA (ml/mmHg)

1.49 (±

1.68 (± 0.56)

p = 0.040

95% CI -0.20 – 0.02

MAP (mmHg)

78 (± 13)

80 (± 13)

p = 0.310

95% CI -1 – 4

CPI (mmHg L/min/m2)

0.71 (± 0.27)

0.81 (± 0.32)

p < 0.001

95% CI 0.06 – 0.12

  1. CVP: Central Venous Pressure; GEDVI: Global End-Diastolic Volume Index; CI: Cardiac Index; SVI: Stroke Volume Index; HR: Heart Rate; SVRI: Systemic Vascular Resistance Index; compa: Arterial Compliance; MAP: Mean Arterial Pressure; CPI: Cardiac Power Index