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Table 1 Laboratory findings on patient admission.

From: Septic thrombophlebitis of the superior mesenteric vein and multiple liver abscesses in a patient with Crohn's disease at onset

Leukocyte count × 103/μL

15.7 [4.8–10.8]

Neutrophil count × 103/μL

13.7 [1.4–5.6]

Hemoglobin in g/dL

10.9 [14–18]

Platelet count × 103/μL

457 [125–400]

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate mm/h

100 [<15]

C-reactive protein in mg/dL

479 [0–8]

Fibrinogen in mg/dl

661 [170–400]

Albumin in g/L

2.2 [3.5–5]

Alkaline phosphatase in IU/L

329 [40–130]

Gamma-glutamyl transferase in IU/L

524 [11–50]

Total bilirrubin in mg/dL

2.2 [0.1–1.1]

Direct bilirrubin in mg/dL

1.1 [0.0–0.3]

Lactate deshydrogenase in mlU/ml

710 [0–480]

Prothrombin time in seconds

15.8" [11.5–13.7]

Coagulation parameters


Protein S, protein C, anti-thrombin III Anticardiolipin antibodies

Normal Negatives