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Table 1 Patients’ characteristics

From: Effects of paracentesis on hemodynamic parameters and respiratory function in critically ill patients

Demographic data (n = 50 patients)


Male sex, n/total (%)

27/50 (54%)

Age, years

58 ± 10

Body height, cm

171 ± 8

Body weight, kg

78 ± 18




42 ± 13


19 ± 7


20; 10–40; 17-27

Pre-existing medical conditions


Cirrhosis of the liver, n/total (%)

44/50 (88%)

Cirrhosis due to alcohol, n/total (%)

38/44 (86%)

Cirrhosis due to hepatitis, n/total (%)

4/44 (9%)

Cirrhosis due to unknown reason, n/total (%)

2/44 (5%)



ICU mortality, n/total (%)

26/50 (52)

Hospital mortality, n/total (%)

33/50 (66)

Intervention related data


Amount of ascites removed, L

5.99; 0.49-17.06; 3.33-7.68

Duration of paracentesis, minutes

130; 45–300; 100-173

Speed of paracentesis, mL/minutes

44; 4–122; 28-61

Laboratory data


International normalized ratio (INR)

1.8; 1.1-4.1; 1.4-2.6

Partial thromboplastin time (PTT), seconds

57; 31–132; 45-75

Thrombocytes, ×109/L

58; 19–359; 37-82

Bilirubin, mg/dL

4.7; 0.6-52.0; 2.0-13.7

  1. APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II Score; n, number; SAPS II, Simplified Acute Physiology Score II; TISS, Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System.
  2. Data is presented as mean ± standard deviation, or median, range, and interquartile range or n/total (%).