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Table 1 Characteristics of the 104 participants by IBS subtype and gender

From: Dietary intakes in people with irritable bowel syndrome


All participants

n = 104

IBS subtype†



Type A

n = 42

Type C

n = 23

Type D

n = 39


n = 23


n = 81

Age, years (mean ± SD)

33.3 ± 13.90

32.1 ± 12.97

33.4 ± 12.79

34.6 ± 15.63

43.3 ± 15.49

30.5 ± 12.08*

BMI, kgm -2 (mean ± SD)

24.1 ± 4.48

23.0 ± 3.75

24.1 ± 3.81

25.3 ± 5.30

25.7 ± 4.32

23.7 ± 4.45

Total symptom severity

(mean ± SD)

250 ± 75.7

256 ± 63.0

244 ± 83.9

250 ± 83.9

223 ± 74.7

258 ± 74.8

  1. † Differences between IBS subtypes analysed by one way analysis of variance. There was no significant difference in age, BMI or total symptom severity between the 3 IBS subtypes (A-alternating, C- constipation, D- diarrhoea).
  2. ‡ Differences between genders analysed by unpaired students t-test. * P < 0.05